Sunday, August 9, 2009

Name That Super Hero

Lately Neal has been taking both of his magnets off when he has to do something that scares him. (The problem with him being scared in his own house is a whole other issue that I won't go into here.) He's been doing it when he has to go into areas of the house where no one else is, for example. Big deal, right? But he will take them off and then call to me and ask me a question from that other area. For those reading this who might not know, Neal is profoundly deaf without his cochlear implants. With his headpieces (magnets) disconnected, he wouldn't hear a train steaming through our house. He obviously can't hear my answer! So I get frustrated with him. Last night after an episode of this, I told him I was sick of him taking off his hearing. He said, "But I like being deaf sometimes." Then I watched as the gears in his head started turning. I think there were some major acrobatics going on in there.

His next statements were as follows—with a pause between each for gear turning:

"There are some good things about being deaf."

"And some bad ones."

"It's good that I have a choice."

"It's like a super hero power that I have and no one else does."

I totally understood what he was saying. His line of thinking made complete sense to me and I couldn't help but laugh and tell him he was right. Also, since I'm a sucker for logic, I couldn't stay mad at him. Next, I'll have to have him think of a super hero name for himself. Or maybe you could offer a suggestion…

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